Adipose (fatty tissue) is removed from your body (from a fatty area such as the belly) in a small liposuction-type technique.
Next, we separate the adult stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells) from the rest of the tissue sample.
Finally, we inject your harvested stem cells into the affected orthopedic therapy targeted area.
Patients are given another chance at life when the options available through conventional means are exhausted.
Stem cells also behave like beacons that alert the body to send its own regenerative resources to the site and reactivate the healing process in situations where the body would not have done so voluntarily.
Regenerative solutions replace damaged cells and tissue by making the most of the body’s natural regenerative potential, not just implant a temporary or artificial fix.
Clinical results thus far have proven positive. Remarkably, no patient has responded negatively to the cells and the small percentage of patients who did not respond to treatment showed no negative side effects.
Because the Adult Stem Cells are derived directly from the patient’s own blood, there is virtually no possibility for rejection, as compared to donor replacement organs and blood transfusions.
Receiving treatment now will offer a greater result than later. Just as with other medical treatments, it is always better to treat a serious progressive disease sooner then wait until symptoms and complications get worse.